Big Sur Marathon Training: Week 2 (32 miles)

Going into week two my biggest goal was to make time for stretching and yoga to better equip my body take on higher mileage.  I’m asking my body to do a lot for me, and it’s only right that I take care of it.  I had a few setbacks, namely I was bad about hydrating and getting enough sleep, but overall I’m proud with how my second week of training went down.

Monday – 5.68 miles + 1 hour Yin Yoga Nidra

I started this week feeling super sore so I signed up for a slow-moving restorative evening yoga class.  I hemmed and hawed about whether or not to go for my run all day.  In the end I decided to go for it.  I was an achy mess but I kept my running form together I am stronger for it.  5.68 miles at 9:22 avg.  After work, I slowly stretched out my hips at my favorite, Ume Yoga.  Successful double workout day.

Tuesday – 3.2 miles easy

I woke up super early this morning to meet a friend for some miles around Lake Merritt.  This run wasn’t anything special but I loved the chance to catch up with a good friend.  We hadn’t had a chance to chat since before the holidays so this was lovely.  I also love that we made time for this run in the morning 🙂 3.2 at 10:09 avg.

Wednesday – Power Hour Yoga Flow

This was an awesome day.  Chris and I woke up at 4:30 to go see the Super Blue Blood Moon b/c moon vibes are good vibes.  Also randomly this was the second time we have watched a lunar eclipse together so apparently it’s one of our things.  I continued having a high-vibe day by taking yoga after work.  Brittney’s 7pm class at Ume Yoga is my favorite.  I try to go every week.  This was my first time making it back since before I went to India and I was beyond pumped to flow with her.  She and I had a great chat after class about the moon and I was really feeling the lunar power all day (I am a hippie).

Thursday – 4.46 miles (speed workout)

I worked from home this day so I decided to get my speed workout in over lunchtime.  My plan was to do 4 mile repeats, with 1:30 rest between each.  I did 2 and called it.  I had been up until 3 am playing computer games (very mature, I know), it was hot, and my heart-rate was ridiculously high.  I ended with 4.46 miles at 8:48 avg – better than not having run at all!

Friday – 4.1 miles

Friday was a bit of a redemption run for me.  I didn’t want to put any pressure on myself, just run with my heart rate and make it to the airport to pick up my brother.  I learned 2 things: 1) You probably should not try to run to an airport; they are not the most pedestrian friendly. 2) I run way way better when I have enough sleep and when I don’t put pressure on myself.  4.1 miles at 8:41 avg and my heart rate stayed primarily in zone 3.


Saturday – 3 miles easy

So originally I thought this was going to be a long run day.  But… I had a few too many drinks at happy hour and felt like absolute poop Saturday morning.  We are also experiencing a heat wave in the Bay Area so I decided to postpone my long run and opt for some easy miles around the lake.  It was a beautiful day and I’m happy I moved my body when I otherwise wasn’t feeling great.

Sunday – 12 miles

After spending hours drinking liters of water Saturday night, I felt ready to take on my long run this morning.  I rolled out my legs while drinking some coffee and a fig bar then headed out to the lake.  I felt pretty good for the first 3 miles.  Then I had to interrupt my run for an emergency trip to the bathroom (lol).  After that was taken care of, I clicked back into a rhythm.  I listened to the Rolling Stones, watched the sunrise, and was grateful for such a beautiful start to my Sunday.


I ended week two feeling happy with how my body had handled the higher mileage.  I was a little nervous b/c I had taken a whole week completely off running before starting my training plan due to illness and jet lag.  However I’m starting to relax into my routine and enjoy myself.  I made more time for yoga this week, and it made a huge difference in how I was feeling physically.  Ready for more miles in week three!

Week two = 32 miles

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